Whether your goal is to find resources to collaborate with on a creative project or just make new friends, CMC is an efficient and fun platform for connecting with artists in your industry, showcasing your talents and finding your next opportunity. Discover artists and get discovered!
Showcase your talent on your profile. Upload media to your profile and talk about your experience.
Find creatives and experts in your fields or other fields. Add filters such as union, age range, distance, spoken languages etc.
Swipe right to like a profile. If both swipe right on each other you will make a connection or don’t leave it to chance – send an invite!
Get notified and apply for matching opportunities. Discover jobs in your area and filter them based on your criteria.
You can add an image and a pdf to your job post. You will be notified when candidates apply to your job post.
Apply to casting calls, crew calls and jobs in the following fields.
With a few simple steps, matching talent will be notified about your job post.
Showcase up to 6 Talent portfolios on your Profile!
Change your location to connect with creatives, apply to jobs, or post jobs anywhere around the world!
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Upload up to 8 media files per Talent Portfolio!
Unlimited Swipes in Discovery!
Send 8 Invites every 24 hours!
Post 38 Jobs per month!
Apply to Unlimited Jobs!
Showcase up to 6 Talent portfolios on your Profile!
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